How to Find Owners of Properties
in Iowa

The process of finding property owners in Iowa is simple, and you can do it yourself. One effective way is to search public records in the office of your county recorder, auditor, or assessor. You can also check court records and browse the Iowa Land Records' website.
Public records in Iowa are available for anyone to review, copy, and share, except for those exempted by law so you don't require any authorization to access them. Government agencies can charge you reasonable fees to provide these records.
But if you don't want to get stressed by the research process, you have the option of hiring a third-party agency to do the job.
Below, we outline different ways you can do a property owner search in Iowa:
Go to Your County Auditor's Office
The county auditor's office keeps records of current property ownership for tax purposes. You can access ownership records through this office to find out who owns a property. In Story County, for instance, you can do an Iowa house owner lookup by entering the property's address, geo-parcel number (GPN), or legal description in a portal.
Ownership records include:
- Aerial photos
- Plat maps (tax maps of property)
- Public terminal access to the real estate database
- Transfer books (history of all recorded transfers of a property)
Also, the Iowa State Association of County Auditors has a portal where interested individuals can do a property owner search in Iowa. The portal, developed in partnership with a private company, allows all 99 Iowa counties to share real estate information with the public.
Ask Your County Assessor
The county assessor's primary responsibility is to assess all real property within its jurisdiction. Assessors in Iowa keep records of property owner details and their respective property values. You can find a property owner by address in Iowa counties by contacting or visiting the assessors' offices.
Here are some Iowa county assessors to get you started.
Browse the Iowa Land Records Website
Iowa Land Records provides a platform for attorneys, real estate agents, closing agents, and other authorized users to electronically submit documents for recording. To perform an Iowa house owner lookup on this site, simply sign up for a free account.
Visit Your County Recorder's Office
The county recorder's office keeps official documents for homes, families, and businesses, offering certified copies of all records to the public. Find the property owner by address by visiting or emailing the county recorder handling the county where the property is located.
Links to some of the county recorders in Iowa are:
Check Court Records
If you want to find a property owner by address in Iowa, reaching out to the courts can be helpful. You can access probate records to find out if a particular property has passed on to heirs.
Court records can also be helpful when looking for information such as bankruptcy, property disputes, and liens. Simply write to the judicial records custodian to get the information you need. Requests should contain enough detail to identify the records being sought.
Outsource to a Title Search Agency
When buying real estate in Iowa with a lender, you'll need a title company, as lenders require a clear title to approve the mortgage. Each ownership transfer can introduce errors that might affect the deed or property boundaries.
A title company investigates the title status and checks for any liens that could complicate the sale. This helps identify hidden issues with the deed or other related documentation.
Hire A Commercial Search Provider
To find the owner of a property free of charge, start by searching land records on county websites. However, small fees may apply for downloading reports or obtaining document copies.
For in-depth information, third-party real estate sites like offer detailed property histories and ownership information. provides statewide records, helping you to identify both current and past owners.
If you are looking for land owned by corporations or trusts, can help uncover the individuals behind these entities.
What Are the Different Types of Property Ownership in Iowa?

How you own your property can significantly impact your lifestyle. Each type of ownership comes with its advantages and disadvantages. Your chosen method of ownership can influence who can access your property while you are alive, who inherits it upon your death, and whether the property will need to go through probate.
When two or more residents share ownership of a property, this legal relationship is known as co-tenancy, also referred to as vesting. Co-tenancy offers various options for determining each co-tenant's percentage of ownership and outlines what happens to the property if one of the co-tenants dies. In Iowa, the two types of co-tenancy relationships are tenants in common and joint tenancy with rights of survivorship.
While both forms of co-tenancy ownership have similar features, they also have key differences that affect the percentage of property owned by each resident. A significant distinction between tenants in common and tenants with rights of survivorship lies in how Iowa law addresses the fate of the property when one of the co-owners passes away.
Read on to understand the nuances of sole ownership and co-tenancy of property in Iowa:
Sole Ownership
As the sole owner of a property, you have complete control over it. You can sell the property or will it to someone else. However, one potential drawback of sole ownership is that your heirs will need to probate your estate to transfer the title of your property.
If you become injured or ill and cannot manage your property and you haven't designated a financial power of attorney, your family or friends may have to go to court to have a conservator appointed to handle your affairs.
Joint Tenancy with Rights of Survivorship
One advantage of owning property as joint tenants with the right of survivorship is the ability to avoid probate. Ownership automatically transfers to the surviving tenant upon the death of one joint tenant. This can help save on legal costs. Joint tenancy facilitates quick access to a residence and other assets after the death of a co-tenant.
Joint ownership carries certain risks. Each owner has an equal right to the property, which means joint tenants must agree on how to manage it. In some cases, one joint tenant could legally gain control of the asset, making it difficult for the other owners to reclaim their share. Additionally, property held in joint tenancy is vulnerable to seizure by the creditors of any owner.
Tenancy in Common
In a tenants in common property ownership arrangement, two or more owners can hold equal or unequal shares, but the total must always equal 100 percent. The ownership contracts clarify that each owner's shares are distinct from those of the others.
This means one owner can transfer their shares to another person without needing consent from the other property owners. If an owner passes away, their shares transfer to the individual specified in their will. If there's no will, the shares go to the surviving heirs.
Life Estate
A life estate represents a way to possess property rather than a true form of ownership. It arises when a property owner deeds the property to another person while reserving a life estate for a third party.
The person receiving the life estate, known as the life tenant, enjoys full possession of the property for their lifetime. However, the life tenant cannot transfer the property upon their death, as it has already been deeded to someone else, referred to as the remainderman.
Since the life tenant cannot transfer the property upon death, property held in a life estate may avoid probate. After the life tenant dies, the remainderman acquires legal interest in the property.
This table shows the common forms of property ownership in Iowa, with each of their main features, benefits, and implications:
Ownership Structure | Description | Benefits | Implications |
Sole Ownership | A single individual or entity holds full ownership of the property, with no other co-owners. | Absolute control over the property | If the owner is married and the property serves as the family's homestead, the spouse may be required to sign the deed when the property is sold or refinanced. |
Joint Tenancy With Rights of Survivorship | Two or more people hold joint title to the property. | The ownership automatically transfers to the surviving tenant upon the death of one joint tenant. | Property held in joint tenancy is vulnerable to seizure by the creditors of any owner.. |
Tenancy in Common | Two parties purchase real estate together, such as for rental purposes, and both hold ownership rights. | One owner can transfer their shares to another person without needing consent from the other property owners. | If an owner passes away, their shares transfer to the individual specified in their will. If there's no will, the shares go to the surviving heirs. |
Life Estate | A property owner deeds the property to another person while reserving a life estate for a third party. | The person receiving the life estate, known as the life tenant, enjoys full possession of the property for their lifetime. | A life tenant cannot transfer the property upon their death, as it has already been deeded to someone else, referred to as the remainderman. |
Common Methods of Property Transfer in Iowa

In Iowa, you convey real estate or interests in real estate through a written deed that you acknowledge and record. When you convey real estate in this state, you transfer all of your interest unless the deed indicates a different intent.
Individuals, corporations, married couples, and joint claimants have the authority to convey real property in Iowa. The most common types of conveyance in Iowa are the warranty deed and the quitclaim deed.
Quitclaim Deed
As outlined by Iowa state laws, a quitclaim deed is required to have the addresses as well as the complete names for every one of the grantees and grantors included in the deal. It's also necessary to have a full description of the property involved as well as information about any money involved in the deal.
Both spouses must sign the deed when conveying property designated as a homestead, no matter what the ownership interest is for each of them. The deed won't work without a signature from the grantor, and that signature should have their printed or typed name underneath.
A notary or any other court official with authorization must acknowledge the signatures. Additionally, the law specifies the information required to be listed on the starting page of every document that's sent in for recording. The required details are as follows:
- The address, name, and telephone number of the person who prepared the quitclaim deed
- The name and address for future tax statement mailings
- The title of instrument
- A specific return address that's usable after recording
- The tax parcel ID
Warranty Deed
A common form of seller agreement is known as a warranty deed. This option serves as protection for the buyer, ensuring that the seller has a legal and clear title for the property in question.
Along with verifying they have a clean title, the seller also must assure the buyer there are no additional encumbrances on the property. All details about any restrictions, easements, or other property agreements must also be provided according to the requirements of a warranty deed.
A warranty deed contains a clear promise to the buyer that the seller possesses clear title to the real estate. This type of deed provides the buyer with significantly greater protection, ensuring that no undisclosed liens or encumbrances affect the property.
Special Warranty Deed
When sellers utilize a special warranty deed they're gaining extra liability protection for themselves and the buyer receives less protection than they would with a warranty deed.
With the use of a special warranty deed, the buyer must only guarantee against title defects that occurred during their ownership and confirm their authority to sell the property. However, the grantor isn't required to guarantee that there are no claims against the title that arose before they took ownership of the property.
Due to extra risk for the buyer special warranties aren't common in residential deals. They are most commonly used for foreclosed properties, and for other properties where there have been many changes of ownership.
Step-by-Step Guide to Property Transfer in Iowa

Follow these steps to transfer property ownership in Iowa:
- Get a deed: You'll need a copy of the original deed for the property or interest you plan to transfer. This document contains the legal description of the property required for the conveyance.
Complete the deed form: Fill out the deed form, specifying the type of warranty associated with the deed, such as quitclaim or special warranties. Be sure to include the following information:
- Names and addresses of the grantor(s) and grantee(s)
- Mailing address of the grantee
- Legal description of the property
- Information about the individual or entity that prepared the legal description
- Details regarding the conveyance and the consideration paid
- Indicate the legal description of the property: According to Iowa law, every deed must contain a legal description of the property, which you can find on your original deed.
- Complete the value declaration forms: Complete a real estate transfer declaration of value form and a groundwater hazard statement. You may also be required to submit a groundwater hazard statement.
- Notarize the deed: The grantor must sign the deed in the presence of a notary public. You may need the grantor's spouse to sign if the property being transferred is a homestead occupied by both spouses.
- File the deed: You need to file your deed with the office of the county recorder in the county where the property is located.
Iowa Homeowner Lookup
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Iowa Homeowner Lookup
- Owner(s)
- Deed Records
- Loans & Liens
- Values
- Taxes
- Building Permits
- Purchase History
- Property Details
- And More!